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Legacy EMC offers a broad range of environmental services for a wide variety of sectors. We are well equipped to adapt our service to clients expectations throughout the project life cycle from planning and design to construction, operation and decommissioning. Our service offering includes the following:

General Environmental Services

Specialised Environmental Services

Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs)

The objectives of EIAs is to identify potential positive and negative environmental, social and economic impacts of an activity and to inform and facilitate integrated decision-making.

Waste Management Licensing

Licensing in respect to the National Environmental Management: Waste Act (Act 59 of 2008) and consultation in terms of integrated waste management such as site selection, strategic planning, Integrated Waste Management Plans, etc.

Permitting and/or Licencing in terms of Specific National Environmental Management Acts (SEMAs)

The vast suite of SEMAs which currently exists in terms of environmental legislation makes it difficult for industries with commercial activities which generate or release emissions and/ or pollution and/or effluent to comply with all the legislative requirements. Allow Legacy EMC to guide you and undertake the permitting and/ or licencing on your behalf.

Environmental Construction Monitoring (ECO)

The Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) forms an integral part of all Contract Documents, informs the Contractors/Responsible Persons as to their duties in the fulfilment of the project objectives, with particular reference to the prevention and mitigation of negative environmental impact caused by the activities associated with the project. The Environmental Control Officer’s (ECO) must ensure compliance with the approved EMPr and the conditions stipulated in the Environmental Authorisation for the proposed development.

Peer reviews

The Independence of EAPs is constantly under the spotlight, and the objectivity of professionals are crucial factors impacting the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of environmental assessments. Allow Legacy EMC to undertake a peer review to ensure objectivity and lower your reputational risk.

Due Diligence Assessments

Legacy EMC’s Due Diligence services will help identify potential environmental liabilities of projects or developments in respect to the prior purchasing of new property, or the financing of projects by international financial institutions.

Strategic Environmental Assessments

High-level assessment of environmental opportunities and constraints used in the development of planning frameworks and informing development across whole regions.

Facilitation and Training

Public participation is the cornerstone of the EIA process and the facilitation and training of stakeholders.

Cleaner Production and Resource Efficiency Assessments

Legacy EMC’s Cleaner Production and Resource Efficiency Assessments entails the continuous application of preventative environmental strategies to process, products and services in order to increase efficiency and reduce risks to humans and the environment.

Sectors We Serve

Transport, utilities, social infrastructure and minerals, metals and chemicals, hydrocarbons and nuclear industries


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